Tuesday, December 31, 2013

White Daisies

Very rarely do I see you tear

aching as it vibrates

piercing as it infects

like a venom

you terminate

neuron by neuron

my strings pulled

albeit heart still pumping

Sometimes I clogged too much of you in my mind

the world sees it

I was discriminated, framed and fractured

I wonder why

why couldn't I be left alone without shackles chained

I must have been a great entertainer

my creations follow no norm

you watched with a cynic smile, with pop corn and its packaging of five-edge stars in white

how lightly could one be taken

of skepticism, egocentrism and pitiful cries

I need no general consensus

of the human language

talk to me with a free mind

not an analyst

but of a born-free artist

or whoever you choose to be

I do not wish you to fathom my perception

it was a mere moment where I got to sit with you

side by side

at a given physical experience

worldly attachments

a calculation of the universe

it was an encounter that I appreciate

as I smile whilst admire

I raised my arm forward as my heart instructed

"you opened my eyes"

how can I ever thank you?

"can I touch you?"

"rarely do I see you tear"

I shall greet you when the first spring breeze

brushes your hair

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