Monday, September 15, 2014

Dream Sequence

I fell in love with a musician

a bright, serious player

his eyes on his loved one

        he feeds her endless devotion

His space adorned with no symbols 

plainness      if any

for the traces left is built in another dimension

one that pulses innate 

one that trigger midnight moans

you would know why

if they could be visualized

such tender ears to be loved

I beamed 

knowing that we speak the same language

Gripped and let loose

smiled as I adored 

your undivided attention

     not to me

but our language

our common ground

His thoughts, centralized

in the core of a purpose

indeed, to pursue one love

seems like the only thing one can achieve

I fell in love with a musician

he feeds her endless devotion

my weakness

lays between the lines -

I fell for you, my dear one