Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lovely Lovely.

In the midst of being busy, I got myself busier :).

The long waited Urbanscapes was finally in front of the doorstep, and there was quite alot to go through... but I finally had my feet on the grounds of Sentul Park, breathing the air of KLPAC :D.

Urbanscapes was great! With all the fun and interestin people around, the energy of young people that you can absolutely feel it inside out, artsy fartsy stuff all over...Ahhhhhh, I felt like I'm breathing my own air again!

The whole thing is just nice, the atmosphere, the evening breeze, the music ( No, I didn't get myself a ticket for it :( ), the bazaar, the colourful helium balloons, the old friends that I met, the tiny winy spree I had, the fashion kakis, oooooh, worth every sweat and ticktocks for it.

Too bad that I don't have a camera with me, and having the wrong day of visit from the hormons. Anyhow, I'm still unstopable. ;)

A big thank you to girl friend Eileen! It brings back alot of good old times with you and I sure loved the accompany of yours on Sat. I'm grateful to land on where I feel belonged, no one can play your part that you did back then. :)

Thankiu very much!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

In Memorial Of:

At 7, I had my mornings spent with the videos,
which he thought me what music is, who is he,
and why he's such a big thing.

I can't get bored of the everyday doses,
it was welcoming, it was happy,
it was how one would like to see the other shine,
it was inspiring.

At my teens, there were big news about child molesting,
and how he fought it off,
which is where I started to understand,
where he was standing, why people stood up like that,

it was too murky to see,
but I'm glad for him when it was over.

At one of my jogging sessions, when I was 19,
I hooked up to one of his songs,
that's where I started to turn back to him as I did 10 years ago,
I drew myself closer, from a book about him,
being mesmerized - again,
to breathe like the way I was first close to his music,
to pick up the pieces I've lost on the road,
and I'm glad that I did.

His existance was beautiful,
until the day that he was announced dead,
makes it so hard to believe.

MJ, you were a living legend,
and will always be.