Saturday, February 4, 2012

Bite Mark Decode.

I would like to speak to you.
May I do so?

I would ask you how you are doing lately,
in the midst of a whole load of work pile,
applications, catch ups to make.

I would also like to throw you shout outs,
as if we were talking from a faraway distance,
between cars, or valleys
I'd make myself heard, and
paint the sky with a warm light
and a light breeze.

So much that I want to ask you about,
talk to you to,
but it is as much that I could find out,
by traffic, by vehicles, third parties, people and shadows I've never knew...

and that is how I manage to make my communication made,
though knowing that they are all only in my head.

If I wouldn't have gone that far,
I might have had spaces filled.
Why was I subconsciously misled by my inner voices,
how did I fall in...

How could one do this to itself,...

I could judge no better.

I wish that I could hear from you,
and it didn't just came and go.

I thought about it from time to time...
if it would be my last wish,

I'd wish to have it fulfilled.

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