Sunday, June 28, 2009

Lovely Lovely.

In the midst of being busy, I got myself busier :).

The long waited Urbanscapes was finally in front of the doorstep, and there was quite alot to go through... but I finally had my feet on the grounds of Sentul Park, breathing the air of KLPAC :D.

Urbanscapes was great! With all the fun and interestin people around, the energy of young people that you can absolutely feel it inside out, artsy fartsy stuff all over...Ahhhhhh, I felt like I'm breathing my own air again!

The whole thing is just nice, the atmosphere, the evening breeze, the music ( No, I didn't get myself a ticket for it :( ), the bazaar, the colourful helium balloons, the old friends that I met, the tiny winy spree I had, the fashion kakis, oooooh, worth every sweat and ticktocks for it.

Too bad that I don't have a camera with me, and having the wrong day of visit from the hormons. Anyhow, I'm still unstopable. ;)

A big thank you to girl friend Eileen! It brings back alot of good old times with you and I sure loved the accompany of yours on Sat. I'm grateful to land on where I feel belonged, no one can play your part that you did back then. :)

Thankiu very much!

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