Saturday, July 26, 2014


Hush is our language

between golden bays, a mirrored reflection

and a distance that couldn't be measured

I fight with gargantuan strength

maybe too much for my existing gauge

I then forget where I stand,

my doubts not answered

have I forgotten of how much I despised to love?

My nest I build upon shall be revoked

for it will never be left admired

of such tender touch to be used, and to be reused

An inability, a conflict never resolved

Please forgive me

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


in a brink of being denied,

you shout and cried to be heard 

you curved like a ball in the corner to be noticed 

everything awfully possible, maybe 

but they hide in your head

the probabilities, the shades 

no, darkness 

they never rise, only linger

they never see light, 

how familiar

you are told to remain your poise

like a peacock 

composed, at least

what are we trying to achieve

what do we intend to become

because we are supposed to 

according to the Gods, the norm, or the authorities 

but you, dear one

you came to me like a shooting star

where I caught you falling

that moment I had my head tilt up

Thursday, July 10, 2014

September Rain

Blue skies we bed, as we exchanged our last vows

there is no eternity,  no long lasting love

just a full stop to halt all progression

like silence but not really silent

Tears flow like a stream, naturally

though cause unknown

Romantics are the ones best in denial

like you and I

I love you
you said

Part of me believe, it's true

Part of me questioned, why should the fact be acknowledged,
when it is only entitled to be denied

I would like to tear myself apart
just so nothing made sense

and then you will notice

what it takes to put you and I

And now we shall exit

forward via the hallway

Just so you know,

miluji tě